Our Team
Gissela Zeledón
Regional Director
"Taking risks is the cornerstone of empires." - Estée Lauder
Ensuring the fulfillment of our mission and vision, as well as the comprehensive development of human talent across all areas of the company.
Abel Acosta
Chief Executive Officer
"It's not enough that it works; it must also be well done and elegant."
Mauricio Zeledón
General Manager
"Everything with passion, nothing intermittent."
Yansie Fonseca
Human Resources Manager
"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." - Aristotle
Franciny Morales
Human Resources Assistant
“Un hombre mide su altura en los de cambio y controversia.” Martin Luther King.
Jessica Zeledón
Administrative Assistant
"Don't despair, the process is key to your personal growth. Learn from your setbacks and enjoy valuing your small achievements."
Aquim Mora
Executive of Business Relations
"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." - Aristotle
Laura Chacón
Executive of Business Relations
"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." - Aristotle
Rylan Vindas
Executive of Business Relations
"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." - Aristotle
Emmanuel Arias
Recruitment Coordinator
"Having a job that we're passionate about is truly comforting."
Kalajan Zúñiga
Junior Recruiter